Gardens Trust
Reg.Charity No.1201501

The Gardens Trust is the only national charity dedicated to the research and conservation of historic designed landscapes in England and Wales and to campaigning on their behalf.
As the statutory consultee for registered parks and gardens, the Trust plays a key conservation role and supports the County and Country Gardens Trusts (such as the Berkshire Gardens Trust) in protecting and conserving our landscape heritage.
The Gardens Trust is widely recognised for its expertise and advice. It’s conservation team, working closely with volunteers in the County Gardens Trusts, assesses all planning applications related to parks and gardens on Historic England’s Register. The Trust advises on the protection and restoration of individual parks and gardens and helps develop conservation strategies generally throughout the UK.
The Trust publishes the peer-reviewed journal Garden History, a regular newsletter and a wide range of leaflets and specialist publications. There is a full programme of garden visits, in the UK and overseas, lectures, seminars, and workshops specially organised for our members.
Members of the Berkshire Gardens Trust qualify for reduced price membership of The Gardens Trust.
With many organisations having to cancel/postpone garden visits/events due to CoViD-19, the Gardens Trust is running a number of virtual events online. Full Details can be found by clicking on the link...
The Gardens Trust
The Berkshire Gardens Trust is not responsible for the content of external websites.